Thursday, October 22, 2009


" CHAPTER EIGHT Tania sat in the farthest corner of Kevin Barry's and nursed her mug of hot milk-laden coffee between hands so numb she couldn't even feel the cup. The weather had turned cold out of nowhere and despite Laura's. diflucan 150mg Orders unless they came to him through Pothinus himself. Although sentinels and guards were probably stationed at the gates and avenues leading from the city Achillas contrived to effect his escape and to join the army. He placed himself at the head of the forces and commenced his march toward the capital. Pothinus remained all the time within the city as a spy pretending to acquiesce in Caesar's decision and to be on friendly terms with him but really plotting for his overthrow and obtaining all the information which his position enabled him to command in order that he might co-operate with the army and Achillas when they should arrive. All these things were done with th! e utmost secrecy and so cunning and adroit were the conspirators in forming and executing their plots that Caesar seems to have had no knowledge of the measures which his enemies were taking until he suddenly heard that the main body of Ptolemy's army was approaching the city at least twenty thousand strong. In the mean time however the forces which he had sent for from Syria had not arrived and no alternative was left but to defend the capital and himself as well as he could with the very small force which he had at his disposal. He determined however first to try the effect of orders sent out in Ptolemy's name to forbid the approach of the army to the city. Two officers were accordingly intrusted with these orders and sent out to communicate them to Achillas. The names of these officers were Dioscorides and Serapion. It shows in a very striking point of view to what an incredible exaltation the authority and consequence of a sovereign king rose in those ancient days in ! the minds of men that Achillas at the moment when these men made their appearance in the camp bearing evidently some command from Ptolemy in the city considered it more prudent to kill them at once without hearing their message rather than to allow the orders to be delivered and then take the responsibility of disobeying them. If he could succeed in marching to Alexandria and in taking possession of the city and then in expelling Caesar and Cleopatra and restoring Ptolemy to the exclusive possession of the throne he knew very well that the king would. dr6drt534884dkdfkgjgeel5j5j

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