Thursday, October 22, 2009


I'm more interested in the method of bio chemical preservation that's involved with these Druuf children-the ones they're supposed to have substituted for the sleeping humans in those strange containers. I can't figure that out either. " Rosberg brushed back his greying. generic valtrex Hutch watched the numbers rippling across a half dozen screens mixed with occasional analysis by the Renaissance AI. None of it was intelligible to her. Core temperatures and wind velocities were just weather reports. But there were occasional images of the protostar embedded at the heart of the cloud. “How sure are they ” she asked Bill “that ignition won’t happen for a thousand years?” “They’re not giving opinions at the moment ” he said. “But as I understand it there’s a possibility the nuclear engine could already have started. In fact it could have started as much as two h! undred years ago. ” “And they wouldn’t know it?” “No. ” “I’d assumed when that happened the protostar would more or less explode. ” “What would happen is that over a period of several centuries after its birth the star would shrink its color would change to yellow or white and it would get considerably smaller. It’s not a process that just goes boom. ” “Well that’s good to know. So these people aren’t really sitting on top of a powder keg. ” Bill’s uncle image smiled. He was wearing a yellow shirt open at the neck navy blue slacks and slippers. “Not that kind of powder keg anyhow. ” They passed out of the data stream and the signal vanished. Hutch was bored. It had been six days since she’d left Serenity and she ached for human company. She rarely rode without passengers didn’t like it and found herself reassuring Bill who always knew when she was getting like t! his that he shouldn’t take it personally. “It’s not that you aren’t an adequate companion ” she said. His image blinked off to be replaced by the Wildside logo an eagle soaring past a full moon. “I know. ” He sounded hurt. “I understand. ” It was an act meant to help. But she sighed and looked out into the mist. She heard the gentle click by which he routinely signaled his departure. Usually it was simply a concession to her privacy. This time it was something else. She tried reading for an hour watched an old comedy (listening to the recorded audience laughter and applause echo through the ship) made herself a drink went back to the gym worked out showered and returned to the bridge. She asked Bill to come back and they played a couple of games of chess. “Do you know anyone at Renaissance?” he asked. “Not that I’m aware of.. dw6daw53w35zxw3456dry444

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