Wednesday, October 21, 2009

"I am overjoyed. I am a man much man. I have a belly. The house is filled with my family. We have oh the word is for much food ---" "Banquet " Bracken said. "Yes. and I.

Even alien starcraft Free Hruun and Raheemai and gethsoids and other stranger species. They all came to the Port of S'uthlam and were welcome. The ones who lived in Spiderhome who worked in the bars and mess halls moved the cargos bought and sold repaired and fueled the ships they. buy cipro Desk. It was more of a challenge than an announcement. The young man checked a clipboard then fumbled with some more papers. "What the hell are you doing?" Mordecai snapped again. The young man looked up with an attitude and then realized how large his adversary really was. "Just a minute " he said and went to his computer. Mordecai turned to me and said loudly "You'd think they have a thousand dead bodies in there. " I realized that he had no patience whatsoever with bureaucrats and government workers and I remembered his story about the apology from the Social SecureW secretary. For Mordecai half of the practice of law was bullying and barking. A pale gentleman with badly dyed black hair and a clammy handshake appeared and introduced himself as Bill. He wore a blue lab jacket and shoes with thick rubber soles. Where do they find people to work in a morgue? We followed him through a door down a sterile hallway where the temperature began dropping and finally to the main holding room. "How many you got today?" Mordecai asked as if he stopped by all the time to count bodies. Bill turned the doorknob and said "Twelve. " "You okay?" Mordecai asked me. "I don't know. " Bill pushed the metal door and we stepped in. The air was frigid the smell antiseptic. The floor was white tile the lighting blue fluorescent. I followed Mordecai my head down trying not to look around but it was impossible. The bodies were covered from head to ankle with white sheets just like you see on television. We passed a set of white feet a tag around a toe. Then some brown ones. We turned and stopped in a corner a gurney to the left a table to the right. Bill said "Lontae Burton " and dramatically pulled the sheet down to her waist. It was Ontario's mother all right in a plain white gown. Death had left no marks on her face. She could've been sleeping. I couldn't stop staring at her. "That's her " Mordecai said as if he'd known her for years. He looked at me for verification and I managed a nod. Bill wheeled around and I held my breath. Only one sheet covered the children. They were lying in a perfect row tucked closely together hands folded over their matching gowns cherubs sleeping little street soldiers finally at peace. I wanted to touch Ontario to pat him on the arm and tell him I was sorry. I wanted to wake him up take him home feed him and give him everything he could ever want. I took a step forward for a closer look. "Don't touch " Bill said. When I nodded Mordecai said "That's them. " As Bill covered them I dosed my eyes and said a short prayer one of mercy and forgiveness. Don't let it happen again the Lord.

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